Online Support

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Welcome to Esselunga suppliers portal

Here you can find the answers to your questions and our contacts

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A customised service aimed at providing our suppliers with any information about Esselunga.
Kindly fill in the form to send us your request.

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How can I register?

If you are already a supplier of Esselunga, please fill in the form to ask for assistance, indicating your VAT code, your user ID (if you already have one) and describing the reason of your request in the field "note".

If you are not a supplier of Esselunga yet, you can forward your application through the following link providing all the data required. If you already registrered previously, you can apply only for different categories of goods.

How can I recover my password if I forgot/lost mine?

Kindly select the "Forgotten or Blocked Password" button that appears when you try to access with an uncorrect password. You will be sent a new password through the email address provided during registration.

How can I change my email address?

To change the e-mail address associated to your user ID and reset your password, please access the Suppliers Portal and select "Change Password" button in Home Page.

To edit the e-mail address for notifications from "Qualification System" kindly access the Suppliers Portal with your credentials and follow the path "Supplier ¿¿¿ Addresses and Contacts".

To edit the e-mail address for notifications about documents provided, kindly fill in the form to ask for assistance indicating your VAT code and describing the reason of your request in the field "note."

Is it possibile to delete my registration from the Portal?

No, it is not possibile to delete a registration after it is completed. If you already registered in the past, you can apply only for different categories of goods.

I can not go through all the pages of the questionnaires: what should I do?

You should verify the compatibility settings of your browser, including "" in the allowed website list.

Why can't I upload an attachment on the Portal?

In order to do so, you should edit the name of the file you are trying to upload. Special characters (like accents, dash, apostrophe...) are not accepted.


